Friday, November 30, 2012

The American White Pelican - Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

White Pelicans stop off at various locations in the Tennessee River Valley on their migratory journey from the northern areas of our nation to the south coastal regions. Small bait fish in the Tennessee River provide nourishment for the completion of their 2000-3000 mile journey to our Gulf and  Atlantic coastal wintering areas.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Tomato on Porch
photo by Garry Morgan
BeBe-My Pal
photo by Garry morgan
September Garden Cedar
photo by Garry Morgan
Morning Glory
photo by Garry Morgan
September Clematis
photo by Garry Morgan
Leaf Angels and Opossum Grapes
photo by Garry Morgan
Cropped Photos
Tomato on Porch
photo by Garry Morgan
Morning Glory
photo by Garry Morgan
Leaf Angels and Oppossum Grapes
photo by Garry Morgan
September Clematis
photo by Garry Morgan

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jackson County, Scottsboro Alabama Seat of Government

Pictures of governmental offices in Scottsboro, Alabama. All photographs by Garry Morgan, taken on July 2, 2012 - 5:30PM.
Jackson County Courthouse, South side from Peachtree St. and South Broad St., Scottsboro Alabama. 
Jackson County Legislative Delegation Office on the corner of Peachtree St. and South Broad St., Scottsboro, Alabama.
Black & White image, Scottsboro City Hall, corner of Broad St. and Peachtree St., Scottsboro, Alabama.
Color image, Scottsboro City Hall
Black & White image Jackson County Courthouse.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Flag Retirement and Posting of New Colors at Scottsboro City Hall

Thursday, May 24th, 2012 the United States flag was retired at Scottsboro's City Hall. Members of VFW Post 6073 and American Legion Post 30 participated in a flag lowering and posting ceremony. VFW Post 6073 presented a new flag to Mayor Melton Potter. The previous flag had become tattered due to strong winds. Long wave the Stars and Stripes
 Members of VFW Post 6073 and American Legion Post 30 participate in the Scottsboro City Hall Flag lowering and posting ceremony.

 Members of VFW Post 6073 present Mayor Potter with the new flag.
Members of VFW Post 6073 and the Scottsboro Police Chief participate in retiring Old Glory.

"The annual  Flag Retirement Ceremony will be held Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 10 a.m. at the Jackson County Fairgrounds sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 220 and Troop 18, American Legion Post 30, VFW Post 6073 and the Scottsboro Fire Department. Scottsboro City Council president Matthew Hodges will serve as Master of Ceremony for the event. Jack Livingston will be the guest speaker. If you have a soiled or damaged American Flag or for more information contact Gordon Hodges at 256-575-9012."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jackson County Alabama Political Forum - Meet the Candidates

Meet the political candidates of Jackson County Alabama for the 2012 election year. Event at Northeast Alabama Community College on February 28, 2012, sponsored by the Student Government Association. Window's Media Video Production - Window's Media Audio of  "The Posies-I'm sure Your Right." Photography and Production by Garry L. Morgan.

Windows Media Audio-Video Production by Garry L. Morgan, Photography by Garry L. Morgan, audio by the Posies-audio rights aquired via Microsoft Inc. licensing aggrement. Usage is not for profit community educational awareness. Also may be viewed at:  (Google video download-WMV.)